Mortgage Calculators
These calculators display best on a desktop or large tablet. They may also work better if you turn your phone on its side with Auto Rotate on.
Loan repayment calculator
Loan Amount | ||
Rate | ||
Term | ||
Loan Type | ||
Payment Freq |
Weekly Payments | |
Total Interest | |
Total Cost |
Extra Repayments Calculator
Loan Amount |
Rate% |
Term (years) |
Payment Freq |
Extra Payment |
Interest Saved |
Time Saved |
Repayments |
Proven Affordability Calculator
Loan Amount | |
Rate | |
Term | |
Loan Type | |
Payment Freq |
Weekly Payments | |
Total Interest | |
Total Cost |
Costs | |
House Insurance | |
Amount | |
Period | |
Rates | |
Amount | |
Period | |
Expenses (which will end) | |
Current Rent | |
Amount | |
Period | |
Other | |
Amount | |
Period |
Amount You Need To Save | |
Weekly | $0.00 |
Fortnightly | $0.00 |
Monthly | $0.00 |
Equity Calculator
Owner Occupied Home Value | |
Owner Occupied Mortgage Amount | |
Investment Property Value | |
Investment Property Mortgage Amount | |
Calculations | |
Equity % | 0% |
LVR | 0 |
Equity $ | $0.00 |
Available Equity(bank) $ | $0.00 |
Available Equity(non bank) $ | $0.00 |
Saving Goal Calculator
Choose a Date
Current Savings | |
Goal Amount | |
Goal Start Date |
Goal End Date |
Amount Needed to Reach Goal | |
Weekly | $0.00 |
Fortnightly | $0.00 |
Monthly | $0.00 |
Loan Repayment Calculator
Loan Repayment
Extra Repayments
Proven Affordability
Savings Goal
Loan Repayment
Loan Repayment Calculator
Extra Repayments
Extra Repayments Calculator
Proven Affordability
Proven Affordability Calculator
Equity Calculator
Savings Goal
Savings Goal Calculator
Extra Repayments Calculator
Proven Affordability Calculator
Equity Calculator
Saving Goal Calculator
Table of Contents